C4 Ecological Solutions
C4 Ecological Solutions is a leading advisory providing innovative solutions to climate change and the conservation of biodviersity. The organisation works globally, designing projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation and biodiversity conservation for government and private sector clients.
RegenFARM is a digital design, simulation and dcision-making platform for farmers, consultants and food supply chain companies seeking ways to produce food using refenerative agriculture methods. The platform gives users in both temperate and tropical growing environments the ability to design and simulate carbon sequestration in above and below ground biomass within agricultural and conservation projects.
The Conservation Foundation
The Conservation Foundation promotes the conservation and preservation of the environment through the creation and management of initiatives to promote positive environmental news, positive environmental awareness and positive environmental action, mainly by securing funding for and managing a variety of projects either directly or through its subsidiary trading company.
Fauna & Flora International
Fauna & FIora International (FFI), founded in 1903, is the world’s first international conservation organisation. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the organisation’s patron. Expanding beyond its African origins, the organisation succeeded in giving conservation a voice on the international stage and drawing worldwide attention to the plight of rare and endangered species and habitats. Today the organisation’s work spans across the globe, with over 100 projects in nearly 40 countries, mostly in the developing world. FFI Environmental Markets programme is focused on harnessing the power and resources of commercial markets to protect threatened habitats and provide real and meaningful benefits for the local communities who depend upon them. Understanding the values of ecosystem services is inherently complex and much recent interest has focused on the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity.